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Georg Ernst Streibig alias Chyron

„What is the Staircase Joke of the 20th Century?“ so people of future generations will perhaps ask and give an answer of something like the following: „That in this 20th century on the one hand a materialistic philosophy, which declares matter to be the only reality, is not only a component in many countries of the world of the official world view in force there, but also frequently dominates in Western philosophy, for example in the context of the mind-body discussion. And that, on the other hand, the concept of matter remained the most difficult, most insurmountable and most enigmatic concept of all for the science of this century.“ […] It cannot be ruled out that at the end of the elementary particle research there will be a great silence… The step joke oft he 20th century would even be perfect.


Wolfgang Stegmueller (1923 - 1991),

Philosophy of science, Analytical Philosophy


What the author of this text did not know – what he was not aware of – was the fact that the physicists who laid the foundations for the understanding of matter were (and are) ‚scientific‘ and ‚philosophical‘ idiots one and all. See the following results of their scientific reflection:


The Danish bohrdrilled ‚e.-& p.- Planetary Idiot Boundering‘ – ‚

The Wide-Trodden American ‚Quark and Cheese Burger‘ –

The French-Austrian Surrounding and Collapsing ‚Stuff Billow‘ –

The Onestone’s ‚Compression and Dressing Muff Space‘ –

The Twostone’s ‚Blending, Twisting, and Fucking Warp Time‘ –

The Threestone’s ‚Blacking and Hawking Hinder Hole‘ [ergo: in Ass?] –

The Superstone’s ‚BIG Bum Bum and Retro Bum‘ –

The Twisting USA or Great Britain Pop Musical ‚String & Techno Band‘ –

The Canadian ‚Acrobatic Loop Quantum Gravitational Super Flop‘.

ETC. – All well Whiskied („Gequirlte“) and well Shaken Browny Fakes


Closer to Idiocy


So the step joke is not over yet – the real satire at the beginning of the 21th century is still missing: For a year – October 21 – these ‚scientists‘ have had a complete, inherently logical system (model) of matter, in front of them: My book Plato‘s CALCULUS MATERIAE. But the „silence“ (Stegmueller) goes on: A great international ‚association‘ – the rainbow mafia of small a. holes, SA (BDM), the „pobereits“- in the loving Berlin ‚slang‘, – don’t want this calculus. The small a. holes would rather ‚keep‘ the old nonsense, the old fakes, as their own small a. hole ideology. For their magenta brown worldview is directly based on it, sorry. That’s why the small „pobereits“ unofficially ‚banned‘ the publication and even the official acknowledgement of my book. And therefore (above all) in Germany the small a. and their values ‘govern’ again, like about 33ff. Proud statement of such a German s.a. specimen:


“When I look at a boy, it actually elevates him and increases his value.”

(W. Speck, Berlinale, German Federal and Berlin Cross of Merit)


Let’s see how long the ‚scientists‘ and ‘philosophers’ (see above) stick to this ‚ban‘! Let’s see how long and how far these scientists, philosophers, and (western, especially German) values-politicians will crawl into the small mafia’s a. Let’s see it!


Until then, here is the complete (German) text of my (Plato’s) book, plus Appendix II in English (428 pages). 

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